Best Places to Live for Expats
According to Expat Insider survey results for 2019, below are the top 3 best places for expats to live.
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Due to COVID-19, the tax filing deadline for all individual taxpayers including expats has been extended to July 15, 2020. The FBAR filing deadline is due the same day. If you need additional time to qualify for the FEIE, you can request an extension to October 15, 2020, but if you owe taxes, payment is…
For Expats getting the Covid-19 stimulus payment from the US government can be a complicated process: You must have a US social security number. Using an ITIN disqualifies you from the program. Including taxpayers, spouses and dependents. Direct deposits are only available to US bank accounts. Some clients who do not have a…
Identity theft is a common occurrence that everyone is vulnerable to. It is crucial to prevent vulnerability when filing taxes since this process includes confidential information such as social security numbers, addresses, income, and other factors. Expatriate Tax Returns has the advice you need to stay protected. Click below in order to learn more about how…
As you await your tax refund, we would like to debunk some common myths via information directly from the IRS. Myth #1 Reaching out to the IRS will increase your refund speed. Utilize the Where’s My Refund? tool to check the status of your refund. An IRS representative cannot get your refund to you faster. Myth #2 Visting…