Filing an Extension

Filing an Extension

Tax Day 2022 is not a done deal! If you filed an extension by April 18, you have until October 17 to file your 2021 return. If you are an expat, you get an automatic extension until June 15, which means that it’s not too late to extend to October 17. Keep in mind that extensions…

Gig Economy Income

Gig Economy Income

The IRS recently sent a news release reminding taxpayers that all income must be reported, including such from the gig economy. The gig economy is where workers earn money from on-demand roles, services, or goods. Gig economy jobs include grocery delivery, creative or professional services, or transportation. Taxpayers may find that jobs in the gig…

Tax Day 2022

Monday, April 18, is Tax Day 2022. Tax Day is the deadline to file your taxes or file for an extension. Don’t let this day approach without a plan to file. Expatriate Tax Services is here to assist you with your tax filing. No matter how complex your situation may be, we can complete taxes…

How We Can Help

How We Can Help

We are your one-stop shop for all things expatriate taxes, but that doesn’t mean you should wait until it is time to file to reach out. Our clients live all around the world and contact us during every stage of their journey. We are available to discuss your tax preparation, get you all set to…

Will You Owe Taxes?

Will You Owe Taxes?

In another year that seems different than anything we are used to, some expatriates may find themselves owing taxes this time around. If expatriates received an advanced payment of the Child Tax Credit, you could owe taxes if your income changes. The original amount paid out for the Child Tax Credit was based on tax…