Tax Dates Are Not Always Tied to the Calendar Year
Did you know that important tax dates are not always tied to the calendar year? If you pay quarterly taxes, then your specific quarterly dates may differ. If you are struggling with keeping track of your dates or need assistance, reach out to the experienced professionals at Expatriate Tax Returns. We make tax filing easy!…

‘Tis the Season!
The Holiday Season is here, and we want to wish all of our customers and their families safe and happy celebrations. We know this is a difficult year, but we hope everyone can stay connected to loved ones and friends through video conferencing or phone. Looking forward to a better 2021! If you are in…

Do U.S. Expats File State Tax Returns?
States have different tax requirements for Expat tax filing. If you live in one of these states, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming, you do not have to file for STATE TAX RETURNS. Some states require that you remove ties to your State License, Property Ownership, Bank accounts, etc., before you can be exempt…