Celebrating Americans and Their Hard Work Around the World
A recent survey found that more Americans are e-filing their taxes on their own these days. In fact, for the last tax year nearly 27.4 million Americans had prepared their own taxes, which was a 5.8% increase over the same period the prior year. U.S. Tax returns filed by professionals are again projected to be…
Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) Did you realize that all US citizens must report all foreign bank account activity to the IRS? FOREIGN BANK ACCOUNT(S) UNDER $10,000 …check the box on Form 1040, Schedule B. FOREIGN BANK ACCOUNT(S) OVER $10,000…check the box on Form 1040, Schedule B AND file a Foreign Bank…
U.S. citizens must file taxes no matter where they are living and working. This applies to you if you are a United States citizen or a Green Card holder if your overall worldwide earnings is above the U.S. filing income. Expatriate Tax Returns understand that it is stressful to deal with two different tax systems,…
Relocating can enable you to get a great job, make more money and have a totally interesting change to your lifestyle. Moving offshore creates other issues that need to be considered like: Dealing with foreign currency and exchange rates Language barriers Benefit packages such as health insurance, tuition, housing, transportation Tax rules, rates and regulations…