Expats: They’re Just Like Us
When many people hear the term “expatriates” they think of business people who are from one country and working in another. While this is true, it’s important to remember that not every expat is a businessman in a suit and tie who got transferred from the corporate office in Manhattan to the overseas office in London. Expats come in all shapes and sizes. The 19-year-old actress who got small roles in a few Broadway shows before heading out to Canada to tour with Phantom of the Opera is an expat. So is the young man who was an all-star on his college baseball team, but now plays in the European League to make a little money and draw out his baseball career for as long as possible. The talented chef who is spending a couple years in Italy to master Italian cuisine before returning to gourmet restaurant in the Bay Area is an expat too.

Expatriates are all over the world. Even some of the most famous celebrities are expats. They are U.S. citizens who are living and working abroad. When Sean Penn is going to be filming a movie in Australia for 18 months he may choose to take up residency “Down Under” making him an expat. When George Clooney decides he’s going to live in Lake Como, Italy and produce a movie a short walk from his home there, he’s an expatriate because he has retained his U.S. citizenship. And when Madonna, who was born and bred in Michigan, buys a million dollar flat in London she too becomes an expat.
There are millions of U.S. expats all over the globe. It’s not only a lifestyle for a banking executive or a college professor. Each of these expats will enjoy different experiences in their country of choice as they learn the new customs, eat interesting food, and perhaps even learn a new language. The one thing they’ll all have in common is that they’ll have to file expatriate tax returns to the United States. That’s where expatriatetaxreturns.com comes in. We’ll take care of everything for you and make sure your tax returns are filed correctly and on time. Call us today at (877) ETAX-123 or 561-715-0630. You can also fill out the simple form on our website at www.expatriatetaxreturns.com.