Filing Your Expat Taxes?
If you have questions, let us know. Expatriate Tax Returns provide solutions to help you stay legal, up-to-date, and make tax filing EASY for expats. Get Started!
If you have questions, let us know. Expatriate Tax Returns provide solutions to help you stay legal, up-to-date, and make tax filing EASY for expats. Get Started!
The government is trillions of dollars in debt and raising taxes is never a very popular option for politicians… but going after taxes that should have been paid, but weren’t? That rarely loses Congress a vote, and so today’s expats are the new white whale of the IRS. Specifically, the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance…
The Benefits of Being an American Expat Living Overseas When you are given the opportunity to move abroad…consider it an adventure! And enjoy every moment. Prior to moving, make sure that you handle all of your business here in the states. Pay all of your bills, notify all of your creditors of your change in…
Taxpayers experienced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, the IRS issued Notice 2022-36. This issue includes relief of penalties to select people and businesses who filed late 2019 and/or 2020 returns. Expatriate Tax Returns has helpful information to keep you off the tax hook. Contact us today to see if you qualify…
YOU DON’T HAVE TO FILE A US TAX RETURN BECAUSE YOU LIVE ABROAD Not so! US citizens and permanent residents must file a tax return no matter where they live or earn money, unless they do not meet the standard filing requirements. IF YOUR FOREIGN INCOME IS BELOW THE FOREIGN EARNED INCOME EXCLUSION, FILING IN…
Identity theft is a common occurrence that everyone is vulnerable to. It is crucial to prevent vulnerability when filing taxes since this process includes confidential information such as social security numbers, addresses, income, and other factors. Expatriate Tax Returns has the advice you need to stay protected. Click below in order to learn more about how…