Happy 4th of July!
Expatriate Tax Returns Wishes You a Happy 4th of July!
Starting in July, letters started being sent to expats who have not paid their taxes, stating that a request will be made to the U.S. State Department to revoke their passports. If you live abroad and received this letter, you have 90 days to set up a payment plan with the government, according to the…
Remember when you were a kid and felt homesick at overnight camp? Well, you probably thought you’d never be homesick after you grew up and became an adult. Homesickness is a natural feeling that many expatriates experience. An expatriate is defined as a person who lives outside their native country. Many expats enjoy their new…
An article on the CNBC website, which appeared this past summer, shows that a steady stream of American citizens have chosen to live and work outside of the United States as expatriates. Some of these Americans have renounced their U.S. citizenship because of the implementation of stricter tax rules. However, most expats do not renounce…
United States Tax Treaties with Other Countries As an American Expat you will want to know about all the benefits for expat taxes while you are overseas. The United States has signed tax treaties with many different countries (actually over 60). Every country and treaty has different exemptions and tax savings features. Tax treaties help…
You’re enjoying your time outside the U.S. because being an expat is exciting, rewarding and full of memorable experiences. There are fun and exciting things to see, new people to meet, and great work to accomplish at your job. However, as well all know, we are living in challenging times. It has become increasingly difficult…
If your income was less than $75,000 in 2019, you may qualify for the $1,200 stimulus form the IRS and another $500 per dependent. You must have an SSN and be a U.S. tax payer. All current and previous tax filings need to be up-to-date to receive the stimulus check. If you need help catching…