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The Olympics – On the International Stage
Have you been watching the 2014 Winter Olympics on TV? We have at Expatriate Tax Returns. We love the competition, the pageantry, and the emotion of the athletes as they compete on the world stage in front of so many millions of viewers. One of the main reasons we love watching the Olympics (both the Winter Games as well as…
The Big Move Means Big Decisions
Now is the time of year that many big corporations are discussing HR changes for the fall. If you’re involved in these discussions, you could soon be contemplating a big move overseas. If you plan to move abroad this year, it will be an exciting and challenging time. There are many factors to consider like what your spouse will do overseas and where your kids will go to school….
Expats: Do You Know What You’re Entitled To?
As an American expatriate living abroad, you have a unique opportunity to claim a Foreign Tax Credit. By doing so, you will avoid dual taxation, which is when two different countries impose taxes on the same income. No one wants to be doubly taxed of course, but if you’re caught unaware you could be subject…
Get Back on Track
The 2020 tax filing deadline has passed and many expats missed it. Sometimes life happens and people overlook getting their taxes filed. Expatriate Tax Returns understands and will help you recover quickly, so that you are in good financial standing with the IRS with no tax worries. No matter how many months or years you…
Top Tips for Expats Filing Taxes in 2024
For expatriates, tax season can often feel like navigating a labyrinth of international regulations and paperwork. As the tax landscape evolves, staying informed and prepared becomes increasingly crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned expat or embarking on your first tax-filing journey abroad, here are some essential tips to help you navigate expatriate tax returns in 2024:…