Happy Valentine’s Day!
Sending our love to all who are working overseas this Valentine’s Day.
The Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Report (FBAR) is a form that is required to be filed by U.S. taxpayers who have foreign financial accounts. The FBAR is used to help the government detect and combat international money laundering and terrorist financing. If you fail to file the FBAR, you may be subject to civil…
It has never been easier to be an expat, thanks to innovations in technology, growing use of social media, and the expansion of businesses supporting their employees working from home due to COVID-19. Advancements in new technology allow expats to work from anywhere, no matter where their company is located. With social media being as…
Obamacare and U.S. Expats American Expats should know these important facts about Obamacare. Obamacare is also called The U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and was supported by the Supreme Court in June 2012. For all U.S. citizens it will be mandatory to carry affordable healthcare coverage or pay a penalty tax. The…
As an expatriate taxpayer, you may be required to file taxes in both your host country and your home country. This can create a number of complications, especially if you are not aware of the tax regulations in both countries. To make things easier for you, we have compiled a list of the top tax…