Summer Vacation
July is the most popular vacation month around the world. While you are out exploring, post a picture on our Facebook page. We would love to follow your travels!
July is the most popular vacation month around the world. While you are out exploring, post a picture on our Facebook page. We would love to follow your travels!
It has never been easier to be an expat, thanks to innovations in technology, growing use of social media, and the expansion of businesses supporting their employees working from home due to COVID-19. Advancements in new technology allow expats to work from anywhere, no matter where their company is located. With social media being as…
What to Do Tax-Wise With A Non-Resident Alien Spouse? For most, it sure is convenient to file separately from your non-resident alien spouse. If you absolutely want to file a joint return for green card application purposes, you will have to complete a form W-7. This form is an application for an ID# that will…
As an expat, it is essential to understand the concept of double taxation and take necessary measures to prevent it. Double taxation is a situation where a taxpayer pays taxes on the same income in two different countries. This can happen when an expat earns income in their country of residence and is also subject…
If your income was less than $75,000 in 2019, you may qualify for the $1,200 stimulus form the IRS and another $500 per dependent. You must have an SSN and be a U.S. tax payer. All current and previous tax filings need to be up-to-date to receive the stimulus check. If you need help catching…
Taxes can be a confusing and stressful topic for many people, especially when you are unemployed. When you are unemployed, you may not have to pay taxes on your unemployment benefits, but you may still have to pay taxes on other income sources. In addition, you may be required to pay taxes on unemployment benefits…
The foreign tax credit is a credit available to taxpayers who pay taxes to a foreign country. The credit is intended to offset the burden of double taxation, whereby a taxpayer is taxed on the same income by both the United States and the foreign country. The credit is available to both individuals and businesses…