Veterans Day 2024
Let us remember and honor the heroes among us.
As an American expatriate living abroad, you have a unique opportunity to claim a Foreign Tax Credit. By doing so, you will avoid dual taxation, which is when two different countries impose taxes on the same income. No one wants to be doubly taxed of course, but if you’re caught unaware you could be subject…
Getting behind on US taxes seems to be a trend for expats, probably because they don’t really think about it while living overseas. The rule is: US citizens, no matter where they live, must file a US tax return which reports their worldwide income …that’s US and foreign income, no matter what the source! Wages,…
We want to thank all of our clients for choosing Expatriate Tax Returns for trusting us with your expat needs including tax filing. We take great pride in our work that helps out U.S. citizens living abroad. We very much appreciate the many thoughtful notes of appreciation. Thank you Suzanne for your recent testimonial: Having…
Living abroad as an expat you have the opportunity to claim a Foreign Tax Credit to avoid dual taxation. Dual taxation is when two different countries impose tax on the same income. By completing Form 1116 and attaching it to your Individual U.S. expat tax return, you can claim this credit and avoid paying US…
United States Tax Treaties with Other Countries As an American Expat you will want to know about all the benefits for expat taxes while you are overseas. The United States has signed tax treaties with many different countries (actually over 60). Every country and treaty has different exemptions and tax savings features. Tax treaties help…